
精品幻影紫水晶球 Premium Amethyst Phantom Sphere



  • 改善氣場,安神鎮靜
  • 激活思考,提升創意力
  • 加強個人氣質和人際關係
  • 改善睡眠質素

Diameter: 4.6cm



Premium Amethyst Phantom Sphere

Diameter: 4.6cm

Complimentary stand is included.

This special Phantom Amethyst Sphere is an elegant item which can be placed on your working desk or bedroom. The Phantom Amethyst is translucent and also has touches of color zoning from a purple to lavender color within making this a lovely piece which is ideal for placing in a bedroom or study table.

Phantom Amethysts can open the crown and third eye chakras and facilitates spiritual awareness and is great for meditation. It also helps with detoxification, peace, unity and providing balance to your life. They are also known to help soothe people, animals and plants and also aid in restoring the energies of other overworked crystals. ©HSP