
Light Smoky Quartz Free Form with Rainbows 彩虹淡茶晶隨形




茶晶亦是一種「保護性」的水晶,可以為家居驅走一些不必要的能量和邪氣。因為它的全面功效,它有Energy Stablizer的美喻。



  • 保護擁有者
  • 增強安全感
  • 消除負面能量和思想
  • 彩虹為擁有者帶來活力和好運, 有加快顯化的作用
  • 令人變得成熟穩重
  • 適合焦慮,睡不穩的人士

Dimensions: L:6.9cm x W:4.4cm x H:4.8cm

Light Smoky Quartz Free Form with Rainbows 

This smoky quartz free form is a variety of quartz that has a very light smoky color which is nearly a translucent tea colour. The smoky color results from natural radiation reacting with traces of aluminium in the stone. It is often known as a grounding stone due to its makeup of earths rich elements and can help clear out toxicity allowing you to be more positive. 

This smoky quartz with beautiful rainbows is a great stone for accelerating manifestation. It resonates with all of our chakras which can help break negativity, bring serenity and good fortune to the owner.

It is a great stone to place in the office and helps bring energy and balance to the space around it. This makes it a wonderful stone for those who are seeking personal growth and looking to avoid negative energy.©HSP

Dimensions: L:6.9cm x W:4.4cm x H:4.8cm

Light Smoky Quartz Free Form with Rainbows 彩虹淡茶晶隨形
Light Smoky Quartz Free Form with Rainbows 彩虹淡茶晶隨形 セールスプライスHK$570.00