
Red & Green Phantom Quartz Free Form 紅綠幽靈水晶隨形



  • 提升集中力和行動力,對工作效率上有莫大幫助
  • 提升因工作所得之財運
  • 清除環境四周充斥之負能量,為人建立能量保護屏障
  • 有效舒緩緊張情緒,減低壓力
  • 有強化心肺,免疫力系統功效

Dimension: H:7.1cm x L:2.9cm x W:3.9cm



Red & Green Phantom Quartz Free Form

Phantom crystals are crystals that seem to have a ghostly inclusion within it. These types of crystals are formed when their formation is suddenly interrupted by external factors and other mineral deposits are included which form part of the crystal. This creates a new layer when growth resumes and puts one crystal inside another giving it a phantom like appearance where one crystal haunts the other. ©HSP

Phantom is always associated with luck and opportunities for the owner as well as providing energy balance and stability of emotions. It helps remove unwanted energy and emanates positive energy and is associated with the heart chakra. Phantom quartz promotes peace, healing, calmness and awakenings for your environment. It is a perfect crystal to place in the home on a work desk or study room.©HSP

Dimension: H:7.1cm x L:2.9cm x W:3.9cm

Red & Green Phantom Quartz Free Form 紅綠幽靈水晶隨形
Red & Green Phantom Quartz Free Form 紅綠幽靈水晶隨形 セールスプライスHK$620.00