紅黃膠花水晶隨形(含彩虹)Red & Yellow Hematoid Quartz Free Form
總括來說,含有紅黃膠花和美麗彩虹片的水晶有帶來財富和好運的顯化能力量。 ©HSP
- 改善財運的能力
- 燃點內心熱情,加強行動力
- 平衡 「陰」和「陽」的能量,有助療癒人體能量池
Dimension: L:5.1cm x W:4.7cm x H: 3.3cm
Red & Yellow Hematoid Quartz Free Form
Crystal with Red & Yellow Hematoid inclusions have amplifying abilities and provide strong energy for healing. It can help you accomplish goals that you wish to achieve and creates positivity, aligns the 'Yin' and 'Yang' energies, amplify your intentions, and release negative energies that you are experiencing. ©HSP
Quartz with red hematite associated with charging the root chakra and ignites passion. It is also known as the ‘anti stress stone’ and can help repel negative energy and provide courage and optimism to the owner. It also helps with grounding, calming anxiety, focus and concentration and is especially suited for those that have a short attention span. Since the stone can also help balance the chakras and boost the immune system it is a popular stone used for meditation and can help support a balanced flow of energy and help with manifestation.
Dimension: L:5.1cm x W:4.7cm x H: 3.3cm