Feature Collection
Newest Arrivals
紫水晶簇球 Amethyst Cluster Sphere
Sale priceHK$2,320.00
金曜石小柱 Gold Sheen Obsidian Tower
Sale priceHK$130.00
金曜石小柱 Gold Sheen Obsidian Tower
Sale priceHK$130.00
金曜石小柱 Gold Sheen Obsidian Tower
Sale priceHK$130.00
銀曜石小柱 Silver Sheen Obsidian Tower
Sale priceHK$120.00
紫水晶簇球 Amethyst Cluster Sphere
Sale priceHK$1,180.00
彩虹白水晶隨形 Quartz Free Form with Rainbows
Sale priceHK$980.00
紅紋石隨形 (菱錳礦) Rhodochrosite Free Form
Sale priceHK$420.00
紅紋石隨形 (菱錳礦) Rhodochrosite Free Form
Sale priceHK$640.00
沃格爾紫水晶 (24面)Amethyst Vogel Cut (24 sides)
Sale priceHK$1,080.00
Home Stone Peace
We are founded and based in Hong Kong since 2023. We source crystals sustainably from all around the world with our trusted partners. We believe crystals help to heal our body and mind by aligning energy in your home or workplace.
Crystals can help transform our environment. This can give us different types of energy to hold our intention and to remind us of our connection with Mother Nature.
Crystals and stones help align our energy to achieve our dreams.
Crystals can provide healing, calmness and peace in your environment.