Cleansing and Intention Setting
Crystals are said to retain memories and energies which were absorbed previously. They are mined, cleaned, polished, and then delivered to you so it is important once you have received your crystal to cleanse and purify it. Below are some simple and effective methods for cleansing and purifying.
- 溫和日光或滿月下月光照射:可以將水晶放在柔和的陽光和月光下照射,大約有20-30分鐘便可以。千萬不要把水晶放在猛烈的陽光下曝曬,會傷害到水晶。
- Put your crystals by the window and allow light sunlight rays or the full moon to help recharge them. Recharge them for at least 20-30 mins. Remember never to put your crystals underneath strong sunlight as this may damage the crystal.
- 自來水清洗:這個方法只適合一些可以接觸水的水晶。放在流動的自來水下清流5-10分鐘,然後立即用乾布輕輕抹乾便可。黃鐵礦,藍晶石,方解石,透石膏,雲母,螢石等等,都不適合接觸水的。
- For crystals that are allowed to be cleaned with water, use clean water to cleanse them. Its better if the water is naturally flowing onto the crystal while its being cleaned. Do this for 5-10 minutes and then use a dry cloth to gently dry the crystal afterwards.
- 燃燒秘魯聖木:秘魯聖木的味道可以淨化空間和水晶,天然聖木含有檸檬烯 Limonene 的成分,燃燒時有種柑橘的香氣,古時已經被人常用來辟邪和淨化負能量,不但常被人用來淨化水晶,它的香氣更加可令人放鬆心情。
- ‘Palo Santo’ translated from Spanish is ‘holy wood’. Palo Santo has been used throughout history because of its purifying and spiritual properties. The main ingredient of Palo Santo is ‘Limonene’ which helps our immune system and fights off inflammation. It has also been used in ancient times to ward off evil spirits and purify negative energy. Limonene has a citrus aroma once it is burned, and its scent can make people relax and alleviate stress. Take a Palo Santo stick and light the stick so that it burns. While there is a flame burning you will notice smoke essence coming from the Palo Santo stick tip. After the flame on the stick has burnt out you can then use the smoke essence from the stick to clean the crystal. Make sure the smoke essence flow upward onto the crystal.
- 白水晶,透石膏和水晶洞:將要淨化的水晶掛或放置在水晶洞裡和透石膏上數小時,甚至是過夜。
- Use a cleansing crystal such as Clear Quartz, Selenite: these are just a few of the crystals that excellent for cleansing. Once you have selected your cleansing crystal, place the crystal on top or close by to your cleansing crystal, or inside the geode. The healing energy released by your cleansing crystal can helps to clean the negative energy from your crystals as well as the surrounding area in your home or workplace.
Setting Intention to Your Crystal
To set intention to your crystal, you can follow the steps below:
1. 首先可以跟據所推薦的方法去清潔水晶。Clean your crystal first using your preferred method. After cleaning the crystal hold it in your hand and feel the crystal’s texture and shape. This allows you to develop a connection with the crystal.
2. 然後帶著跟據水晶獨性已選取出的水晶,找一個寧靜和不被打擾的空間,建議高敏者可以遠離手機,甚至調至飛行模式。Take the crystal you wish to activate and find a quiet surrounding or location. It is also recommended for people that are highly sensitive to keep away from mobile phones or switch them to airplane mode.
3. 坐下或躺下來,放鬆你的肩膀,手握水晶,將雙手分別在膝蓋上,請你閉上雙眼,緩緩地、輕輕的進行呼吸。Sit down or lie down and relax your shoulders. Then hold the crystal in your hand and rest it on your knees or on your stomach. Close your eyes and gently breath at a relaxed pace.
4. 請在這個時候,心裡想著想設立的目標,內心想著或唸出同樣的目標。你的目標必須是簡單而清晰的,這樣宇宙才可以最準確地接收到我們內心所想。Think about your aspirations or goals and keep this in your heart. Speak to your crystal and send it some life energy through your breath. This will help feed the crystal with natural energy so it can help you with manifestation. Your goal must be simple and clear so that the universe can best receive what is in our hearts.
「我是一個快樂的人,我的前方是豐盛的麥田,前路光明和金光閃閃,我是幸福的,我的生活富足和快樂。」Remember to be in the present tense. For example, if you are holding Citrine and wish to be prosperous and happy you should say “I am a happy person and in front of me is a wheat field full of riches. The road ahead is bright and golden for me. I am happy and my life is rich and happy”.
5. 當你完成設立水晶後,請如常地繼續你日常的生活,定期清潔水晶,水晶便會逐漸地顯化manifestation你的想法。最重要的,請記得以正面和輕鬆的心境去進行。After you have completed setting up your crystal you can continue your life ‘s day to day activities as usual. Remember to look after your crystal by cleaning it regularly. In time your crystal will gradually manifest your thoughts. Remember to continue to be positive and have a relaxed frame of mind.
6. 其他分享 Other Notes:
Crystals can improve chakras and adjust energy through our daily thoughts and interaction with them. They can be used to help your mind connect with the universe. Crystals are also personal so when you first come into contact with your crystal your reaction may be different to those of other people. Many people also believe crystals can make your wishes come true. It is important to remember not to have excessive expectations for your crystal as some people may not feel connections at first and some may feel slight vibrations in their crystal. When I have been in contact with Tiger’s Eye crystal, I have felt very dizzy, however when I am in contact with Amethysts, I feel very relaxed and confident. When I am in contact with my Peridot crystals, I am full of positive energy, confidence, and good luck. Ultimately crystals require our hearts and connection to establish intimacy which can greatly enhance our healing effects in time.