巴西茶晶簇黃金療癒者共生 Brazilian Smoky Quartz Cluster with Golden Healer
- 改善財運的能力
- 平衡 「陰」和「陽」的能量,有助療癒人體能量池
Dimensions: L:22.6cm x W:8.8cm x H:13.6cm
Brazilian Smoky Quartz Cluster with Golden Healer
This smoky quartz originates from Minas Gerais, Brazil. The smoky color results from natural radiation reacting with traces of aluminium in the stone. It can help break negativity, bring balance and protection. It is also often known as a grounding stone due to its makeup of earths rich elements and can help clear out toxicity allowing you to be more positive. It is a great stone to place in the office and helps bring energy and balance to the space around it.
This prominent smoky quartz has golden healer inclusions within the crystal which is symbolized by its yellowish and orange brown hue which is a result of iron oxide.
The golden healer inclusions helps amplify the smoky quartz abilities and provides strong energy for healing and resonates with all Chakras by activating and aligning each one. It can help you accomplish goals that you wish to achieve and creates positivity, aligns the 'Yin' and 'Yang' energies, amplify your intentions, and release negative energies that you are experiencing. Golden Healer inclusions within the quartz makes it one of the most powerful stones often sought out by crystal collectors.©HSP
Dimensions: L:22.6cm x W:8.8cm x H:13.6cm
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