彩虹白水晶隨形 Quartz Free Form with Rainbows
Dimension: 10.2cm x 4.8cm x 2.5cm
- 淨化空間內負能量
- 有癒傷效果,可安撫身心靈
- 釋放出正能量
- 有助靈性的成長
- 提升集中力
- 彩虹為擁有者帶來活力和好運, 有加快顯化的作用
- 適合喜歡進行冥想或者壓力大的人士
白水晶是世界上其中一種最通用而且必備的水晶(Master Healer)。
Clear Quartz Free Firn with Rainbows
Dimension: 10.2cm x 4.8cm x 2.5cm
Complimentary stand is included.
There are many varieties of Quartz in the world and clear quartz is one of the most common and powerful crystals. Its beauty and versatility is simplistic and comforting.
The clear quartz freeform filled with rainbows is an all-purpose crystal which brings good fortune, energy, prosperity, joy, initiative and new beginnings to people who own this crystal. Clear quartz also helps recharge and absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy and removing any energy blockages. Ancient Greeks believed that this stone was ice that was so cold it would never thaw. ©HSP
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