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Brazilian Pyramid Green Phantom Sphere 巴西千層金字塔綠幽靈水晶球

Sale priceHK$1,200.00





  • 強大提升事業運和因工作中所得之財富的能量
  • 增加工作機會和人綠運
  • 掃走負能量,使人想法變得樂觀和正面
  • 有效舒緩緊張情緒,減低壓力
  • 有強化心肺,免疫力系統功效

Diameter: 5cm


Brazilian Pyramid Green Phantom Sphere

Green phantom is a combination of chlorite and quartz and is associated with increasing luck and opportunities for the owner as well as providing energy balance and stability of emotions. It helps remove unwanted energy and emanates positive energy and is associated with the heart chakra. This beautiful faceted green phantom quartz promotes peace, healing, calmness and awakenings for your environment. It is a perfect crystal to place in the home on a work desk or study room.©HSP

Diameter: 5cm

Complimentary stand will be included.