白水晶簇 Quartz Cluster
白水晶是世界上其中一種最通用而且必備的水晶(Master Healer)。
將它放置於居室中或辦公室裡,因為它的透明度和對光線的折射,令你的家居增添了透明感和冰涼的舒適感覺。 ©HSP
- 淨化空間內負能量
- 有癒傷效果,可安撫身心靈
- 釋放出正能量
- 有助靈性的成長
- 提升集中力
- 適合喜歡進行冥想或者壓力大的人士
Quartz Cluster
There are many varieties of Quartz in the world and it is one of the most common and powerful crystals. Its beauty and versatility is simplistic and comforting. When combined with other materials such as colored crystals, rutilated quartz, citrine and others its especially adaptive and resonates closely with other stones.
This Quartz Cluster can help clear and heal respiratory problems as well as soothe feelings and freshens the air and surroundings around us by removing negative energy. This makes it a great crystal to use for meditation and is also soothing for the eyes and skin helping relieve us from allergies. ©HSP
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