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Columbian Pink Lemurian Quartz Cluster with Faden Quartz 哥倫比亞粉紅雷姆利亞縫合水晶簇

Sale priceHK$1,650.00





  • 擁有柔潤心靈,使人溫暖和散發愛的強大力量
  • 啟發靈性,幫助擁有者進行冥想和高角度思考
  • 幫助精神浮動,偏離了性質的人逐漸返回重心,找回真我
  • 激發起生命力和幫助恢復元氣
  • 使焦慮心靈變得平靜
  • 適合希望關係變得更和諧、工作壓力大和睡不穩的人士


Dimensions: L:14.3cm x W:11.2cm x 6.9cm

Columbian Pink Lemurian Quartz Cluster with Faden Quartz

Lemurian crystals are said to be connected to the ancient civilization of Lemuria. It was believed that Lemuria sank beneath the ocean like Atlantis. The people of Lemuria were thought to be more advanced spiritually than any other civilization at the time and used crystals for ancient coding of Lemurian memory and healing wisdom. Lemurians would use the crystals to pass on wisdom to others. Many people have treated this crystal as a relic of the past and a key to the future. 

Lemurian quartz provides balance and clarity, helps you heal the mind and body. It can also be used to heal fatigue, anxiety, depression and insomnia.

This pink lemurian quartz cluster has a distinct appearance and also contains Faden Quartz which is a type of quartz that is formed between two rock formations and crystallizes over a period of time creating a string like appearance with the crystal. The pink lemurian quartz cluster is made from pink hematite deposits and is associated with powers of love, emotion and the heart chakra. The soft pink hue of the crystal is associated with calm and peace and is a great healer. This crystal looks wonderful in the home and provides uniqueness, energy and beauty. ©HSP

Dimensions: L:14.3cm x W:11.2cm x 6.9cm

Columbian Pink Lemurian Quartz Cluster with Faden Quartz 哥倫比亞粉紅雷姆利亞縫合水晶簇
Columbian Pink Lemurian Quartz Cluster with Faden Quartz 哥倫比亞粉紅雷姆利亞縫合水晶簇 Sale priceHK$1,650.00