夢幻紫水晶球 Dreamy Amethyst Sphere
- 改善氣場,安神鎮靜
- 激活思考,提升創意力
- 帶來商機,招來財運
- 加強個人氣質和人際關係
- 改善睡眠質素
- 有助擁有者與內在靈性連結,適合喜歡進行冥想的人士
Diameter: 5.9cm
Dreamy Amethyst Sphere
Amethyst beauty and power has been popular throughout history and has been used to help ease stress and tension as well as strengthen the mind to improve thinking, imagination and intuition. It is a popular stone often linked to prosperity and abundance and is often sought out by business entrepreneurs and people involved with sales related work. They can be found in many different parts of the world and there are many types of shapes and sizes. They are also known to help soothe people, animals and plants and also aid in restoring the energies of other overworked crystals.
Dreamy Amethyst is a strong combination of clear Quartz and Amethyst and has strong healing energies. It will aid with stress and anxiety making it an excellent crystal for those looking for relaxation, calm and inner peace. It also helps improve the creativity and intuitively of owners and can improve quality of sleep. ©HSP
Complimentary stand will be included.
Diameter: 5.9cm
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