黃金療癒者水晶小碟 Golden Healer Trinket Dish
黃金療癒者(又名黃膠花),有平衡「陰」和「陽」的能量,能使能量的流動暢順,整理人體脈輪,使人拋開舊有思想和模式。對於療癒倦怠和失意的心身靈,有更加顯著的幫助。含黃金療癒者的水晶亦被認為有帶來財富和好運的顯化能力。此美麗通透的水晶小碟可用於放置水晶飾物,為水晶注入新力量。 ©HSP
- 改善財運的能力
- 平衡 「陰」和「陽」的能量,有助療癒人體能量池
Dimension: W:9.6 x L:5.4cm x H:2.2cm
Golden Healer Trinket Dish
Crystal with golden healer inclusions have amplifying abilities and provide strong energy for healing. It can help you accomplish goals that you wish to achieve and creates positivity, aligns the 'Yin' and 'Yang' energies, amplify your intentions, and release negative energies that you are experiencing. Golden Healer inclusions within the quartz makes it one of the most powerful stones often sought out by crystal collectors.©HSP
Dimension: W:9.6 x L:5.4cm x H:2.2cm
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