粉紅方解石球 Mangano Pink Calcite Sphere
- 過濾空氣,淨化空間
- 為空間注入愛和幸福感覺
- 舒解內心鬱結,消除負面感覺例如妒忌感和記恨
- 使人變得溫柔,增強個人魅力
- 不論放置於任何空間,其天使般的顏色都使人愉悅
Dimensions: Diameter: 4.8cm
Mangano Pink Calcite Sphere
This Mangano pink calcite sphere is helpful for relaxation of the mind helping ease away stress and promote calmness. It is also notable for helping in dealing with grief and traumas. As the stone is focused on relaxation it is also useful for helping with sleep when placed near your bed.
Pink and green Calcite can also help resonate with our Heart and Solar Plexus Chakra which brings the owner a sense of comforting love and relief from painful memories in the past. It can help increase security and self-assurance as well as deepen the relationship between one’s self and others. ©HSP
Dimensions: Diameter: 4.8cm
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