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茶色紫鈦晶簇 Tea Amethyst Rutilated Cluster

Sale priceHK$890.00






  • 改善氣場,安神鎮靜
  • 激活思考,提升創意力
  • 帶來商機,招來財運
  • 煞擋災
  • 改善事業運
  • 改善睡眠質素


    Tea Amethyst Rutilated Cluster

    Amethyst beauty and power has been popular throughout history and has been used to help ease stress and tension as well as strengthen the mind to improve thinking, imagination and intuition. Rutilated Amethyst is a popular stone often linked to prosperity and abundance and is often sought out by business entrepreneurs and people involved with sales related work. They are also known to help soothe people, animals and plants and also aid in restoring the energies of other overworked crystals.

    This exquisite tea amethyst has smooth polished edges and can be used as decoration in rooms which have ambient sunlight and can help relieve stress or strain and provide grounding, tranquility and clam. ©HSP

    Complimentary stand will be included.